Alexander Hamilton

Am I related to Alexander Hamilton?

This was the most common question we received at the original HNGS website. Most who asked the question were not satisfied with the answer.

The last name Hamilton is surprisingly common. The vast majority of Hamilton’s may have a family story from an aunt, uncle, grandparent, or parent claiming relation to a famous person. For Hamilton’s in the United States, that is often Alexander Hamilton, First Secretary of The Treasury of the United States. However, of all his children, only two had children that lived long enough to have their own children. There are approximately 250 known descendants.

To verify if Alexander Hamilton is one of your ancestors, you will either need a male line ancestor named Hamilton who will participate in the Hamilton Surname DNA Study (known male line descendants are participants), or you will need the exact names, dates, and places of your verified ancestors to prove a connection.

To find any connection, you have to start with yourself and work back each generation. Going from a famous person and trying to work to you requires researching every single person descended from that person. It is much harder to do things this way. You have to go from what you know and add to it. Without solid documentary evidence, no credible genealogist will accept your claim.

The following is from the old website:

Sunday, 25 June 2006
Hamilton DNA Project seeks input from known direct male descendants of Alexander Hamilton. collection of Alexander Hamilton’s observations on a variety of topics: libery, government, taxation, monarchy, etc.

Keep Alexander Hamilton on the Ten Dollar Bill

Alexander Hamilton Genealogy Compiled by our President and Editor of The Connector, Larry Hamilton, Sr. Are you a descendant of Alexander Hamilton? 

Two persons are seeking information about those who can prove their descent. 
One is a researcher and the other is a descendant seeking fellow descendants. See our Alexander Hamilton Special Queries page .
Isle of Nevis, birthplace of Alexander Hamilton.

USS Alexander Hamilton – fleet ballistic missile submarine. (Link Broken)

Alexander Hamilton was involved with the founding of a school that eventually became Hamilton College.

Alexander Hamilton on the web

Fact Sheet OPC-10 — Biographical Sketch of Alexander Hamilton

USA Alexander Hamilton Biographical Information, also other biographies of many other people.

USA Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton was one of the authors of these essays on why we should adopt the Constitution, and a Federal form of government.

Alexander is also famous for his death as a result of a duel with the former U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr in July, 1804.
Grave of Alexander Hamilton at